Location: Zu San Li (ST36) is located four finger widths down from the bottom of your knee cap, along the outer boundary of your shin bone. If you are in the right place, a muscle should pop out as you move your foot up and down. https://exploreim.ucla.edu/self-care/acupressure-point-st36/
Ref examples:
- How Does Moxibustion Work Scientifically? (Yin Lo 2005)Acupuncture Today – February, 2005, Vol. 06, Issue 02 https://www.acupuncturetoday.com/mpacms/at/article.php?id=30023
- Effects of moxibustion to zusanli (ST36) on alteration of natural killer cell activity in rats.(Choi GS 2004)Am J Chin Med. 2004;32(2):303-12. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/15315267
Where can you buy a moxa stick?