The Class Has A Break

Due to the 2nd national lockdown that will take place on Thursday 5 Nov for 4 weeks, the Health Qigong Fishbourne class will have a break over the period. The class will run as normal again after the Centre reopens and the class is allowed to run. I am sorry for this.

I hope all our members are able to practice health qigong exercises at home following the videos on the ‘Resource’ of the website. I look forward to seeing you all again after the lockdown is lifted up.

See you Thursday

Last week, besides the two sets of health qigong we’ve performed, we also practiced the self-healing exercises of neck, shoulders, abdomen, ears and eyes.

This week, we will continue to act the above. Welcome to join us.

Location: Zu San Li (ST36) is located four finger widths down from the bottom of your knee cap, along the outer boundary of your shin bone. If you are in the right place, a muscle should pop out as you move your foot up and down.
Ref examples:


Where can you buy a moxa stick?